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Anonymous asked in Home & GardenOther - Home & Garden · 2 weeks ago

What kind of moth is this?

ago at night time only, they come out around 9pm and later and generally avoid lighting. They are maybe about a half inch in size and are only occurring in my bedroom where I have houseplants, and of course clothing. I seem to notice them by the vent in my ceiling most often which leads me to believe they are living in there. I recently sprayed a lavender lemon oil in my vents and I noticed them more after this. This one looks really dark in the photo but they are a lighter gray. I do not keep food in my bedroom at all. I’ve read so many things online that contradict eachother but I was want to know what it is so I can solve the problem . Thanks in advance.

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1 Answer

  • 2 weeks ago

    The lavender drew their attention and might be with you until they leave.

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