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Here we go again, do you think Karen Potter lied about grabbing for her taser but pulling a gigantic glock 17 ?

6 Answers

  • Anonymous
    2 weeks ago

    Good for her she should have pulled a rocket launcher.

  • 2 weeks ago

    Since none of you keyboard clowns have EVER been in a life or death confrontation, you have ZERO say on the subject

  • 2 weeks ago

    People that resist arrest always get bad results so don't be stupid.

  • Gary
    Lv 5
    2 weeks ago

    I personally own SEVERAL Glock's including a 17 and a Glock 17 is by NO means of measure "gigantic"! 

    Now as for Ms. Potter pulling her pistol rather than her taser it's VERY easy for YOU to sit in your chair in front of a computer and say "she should have KNOWN she was using the wrong weapon" when YOUR NOT in the situation where YOU might be REQUIRED to defend your OWN life and others from a potential attacker and LEO'S TRAIN for this BUT until YOU are in that EXACT situation WHILE it's unfolding YOU do NOT know 100% what YOU would do when your adrenaline is pumping and your heart is pounding and your life is flashing through your mind and YOUR life may be SECONDS away from ending because of trying to do your job!!! I HAVE personally been in that situation several times and when it happens you act on INSTINCT ONLY!! No I am NOT trying to excuse her actions I'm simply trying to help YOU understand it's EASY to condemn a person's actions when they feel THEY'RE life might end if they don't make a snap decision and while panicking she COULD have simply chosen the wrong weapon! Should she be punished? YES! BUT the severity of the punishment should reflect under duress that she simply chose the wrong weapon UNLESS EVIDENCE can be found PROVING she might be inclined to shoot a person of color for racial reasons.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    2 weeks ago

    It's bizarrely reminiscent of the shooting of Justine Damond by Minneapolis police office Mohamed Noor, which of course no one rioted over. Makes you wonder just how they train cops in the Gopher State. 

  • 2 weeks ago

    Yes.  You are talking about someone who had 26 years on the force.   Come on.   I’m not stupid.     

    Source(s): My reaction to the situation.....
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