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How do I stop someone from constantly looking up my skirt?

A few months ago my sister and her friend (both 27 I was 15 at the time) accidentally made a hole in the door to the kitchen and we started getting a lot of mice, I have a huge phobia of roaches and mice, I freeze up real bad if they are near me and it takes me forever to get my composure back.

Anyway I was about to get in the shower one day when I saw 2 mice running around the tub near my shampoo. I completely lost it. I got my towel and ran out the restroom and I accidentally left the door locked behind me and the mice still got out. Worst of all I left my phone in the bathroom playing music, and the only person home at the time was my sisters friend. He came rushing and saw me in basically just a towel and I told him to get rid of the mice.I didnt think at first because I was in shock and just wanted the mice out so I climbed on the couch and just then one of the mice went under the couch. He got down really really low with his phone flashing a light to see the mouse, I don't know how long he was crouched by the couch but after a while I noticed a light around my legs and when I looked down I saw my sister's friend staring between my legs. I covered up and moved, but he kept chasing the mouse in my direction to look between my legs. The worst came when I was trapped in the pantry, at that point his face was inches from my privates and he was no longer hiding the fact he was looking. He even made comments about being unable to look away and how much he liked the experience


Since then my sister's friend has also apologized, but now I catch him looking at my legs and up my skirt almost everytime I wear a skirt and he'll make me feel weird for not parting my legs a little. I'd like to get him to stop because I see him almost everyday but I can't tell my sister about it because if she kicks him out we won't be able to keep our apartment. How should I deal with getting him to stop looking and stop bringing up what happened when were alone?

4 Answers

  • Anonymous
    2 weeks ago

    Wear trousers..........

  • Anonymous
    2 weeks ago

    Today's winner for "Most Obvious Trolling" in the Autistics/Perverts Under 18 division.

    Attachment image
  • 2 weeks ago

    So he High-Beamed your vagina. So what!

  • Dv8s
    Lv 7
    2 weeks ago

    Wear pants.                                    .

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