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ash asked in HealthWomen's Health · 2 weeks ago

A doubt about marriage. please answer?

I am a female, adult but unmarried. I have some knowledge. but i want to know in detail. If I am getting married within a few years I should know all these things. Please no negative comments. I am asking out of my curiosity.

What are the things that a wife will do on husband's body  and What are things that a husband will do on wife's body ?


I dont understand why married people hesitate to answer this question. Please be open. 

3 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    2 weeks ago
    Favourite answer

    Experience tells me that most men would fondle and suck a wife's breasts, tug on her nipples, lick her vagina, and she would suck his penis and caress his testicles before the man enters her. 

  • D_21
    Lv 5
    2 weeks ago

    Uh, well, that could be many different things. Different couples have different preferences for some of the things they like to do together.

    Have you had any sex education in school or anything?

    There's looking, hugging, kissing, touching with hands, and using your mouth (tongue) to touch the other person (sometimes called oral sex.)

    For pleasure, men often prefer to focus on their penis. For women there are many places that feel nice. Particularly, the clitoris part of the pubic area.

    Information about the clitoris - Sex Educator Laci Green on Youtube

    The internet has lots of information. Here are some suggestions for where to look online for information about sexuality and relationships:

    Dr. Lindsey Doe has a series of videos on her youtube channel Sexplanations

    You can also watch many of them on nerdfighteria → this site also has everything said in the video typed out on the left side of the page, so you can read it.

    Miss Shan Boody on Youtube talks about relationships, how to be sexy, family planning, and even pregnancy.

    For some basics on the human reproductive system watch the following video:

    There are many books on the topic of intimacy for married couples. Even ones for young couples from religious backgrounds. I understand that especially for people raised in orthodox communities (christian / jewish/ muslim etc,) trying to learn information about this can be difficult. But there are people from those very same communities that are aware of that, and they're online trying to help. They're writing books, and making youtube videos. The information is out there. You just have to look for it.

    For example I found this article about a woman teaching members of her community online through the social media website & app Instagram:

    To find her page on instagram

    Here's a video talking about marital intimacy in Islam

    I want you to have tools and information. I believe in education about these matters. So that people can have a better experience. And better relationships!


    Consent is an important part of marriage & sexuality. You don't have to do anything you don't want to. Neither does the other person. Respect & care for each other. Stand up for yourself, and for each other. Take your time on this journey.  Try things when you are comfortable to, and want to.

    Video About Consent:

    One tool you could discuss using with your special person, is the traffic light system. It's a way for couples to check in with each other. Ask how the other person is feeling about something, and they respond with Green, Yellow, or Red. Much like a traffic light. Green means you are comfortable, yellow means your are nervous or unsure...great time to slow things down, and red means everything stops.

    Talk about it with your spouse. Work out a special secret code or language that is just for the two of you. Be a team!

    Attachment image
  • PW
    Lv 4
    2 weeks ago

    You really should ask a married friend this question if you are that uniformed or seek a counselor 

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