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m asked in Society & CultureRoyalty · 3 weeks ago

What did Prince Philip do for work?

27 Answers

  • Newman
    Lv 4
    2 weeks ago

    His work is in the area of Royal Duties, Charity Works which can include things like attending state funerals, national festivities or presenting honors, entertains many people at dinners, lunches, receptions and garden parties, answers letters. Bringing people and organizations together, encourage, entertain, represent, visit, lift up the spirits, creating jobs.  Some basic requirements would include following Royal protocols, etiquette, keeping up with appearances.

    However this job is basically a thankless one, subject to ridicule, disdain and assassination but in return you live in luxury, comfort and constant attention.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    2 weeks ago

    plenty why , he was a patron of over 200 charities for starters , set up some awards that recognise the people achievements , you could do is miss world or a spelling be .. best you could do is have has been actors who got paid to help charity . 

  • 2 weeks ago

    He assisted the Queen who was head of state he helper run the Royal estates

    Sadly Missed

    and For the STUPID he was never paid By the Taxpayer

  • Anonymous
    2 weeks ago

    Nothing. He scrounged off the tax payers all his life.

  • Anonymous
    2 weeks ago

    He never worked a day in his entire life.

  • Anonymous
    2 weeks ago

    Exercise his forearm and wrist muscles by lifting the brandy glass repeatedly perhaps? I really don’t know. Maybe he did more than that. I really could give a rats @ss about these “royals” so I haven’t really researched his background to be honest. Perhaps I owe him more respect. It’s just that I get nauseated with how people put these royal clowns up on a pedestal and obsess over ever little thing they do. These people eat, sh*t, sleep, f*ck  (at one time or another) and fart just like the rest of us... just in more luxurious accommodations as a rule. 

  • Anonymous
    2 weeks ago

    His job was to support the Queen, the monarchy, the realms. He first served in the Royal Navy, then as consort to the Queen, started the Duke of Edinburgh Scheme and worked for or started other charitable, scientific, educational foundations, served as an ambassador for the UK. Philip established the Commonwealth Study Conferences, helped found the Australian Conservation Foundation  and the World Wildlife Fund, served as the latter's UK president from 1961 to 1982, international president from 1981, and president emeritus from 1996. Prince Philip was the President of BAFTA, was president of the International Equestrian Federation from 1964 to 1986,and served as chancellor of the universities of Cambridge, Edinburgh, Salford, and Wales.,_Duke_...


    can tell you more.

  • Anonymous
    3 weeks ago

    He was a Lieutenant in the Royal Navy. In fact a war hero, 

    saving many lives during the invasion of Sicily.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    3 weeks ago

    He waved a lot, insulted people even more, and unveiled even more plaques.

  • 3 weeks ago

    Whatever it was I couldn't do it.

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