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? asked in Home & GardenOther - Home & Garden · 3 weeks ago

How do you get rid of roaches in your car?

Please tell me a simple way?

3 Answers

  • Anonymous
    3 weeks ago

    Remove all the seats and mats and clean the interior.  Take out all the trash in the trunk.  Plug all the holes in the car if there are any.  Stop eating in the car.

  • T C
    Lv 7
    3 weeks ago

    smoke em in a bong  

  • Jesus
    Lv 5
    3 weeks ago

    There is no simple way to do this but this method works.

    You're going to have to clean and vacuum the entire vehicle and scrub it clean with Clorox and soap.

    After you have done that you're going to go get yourself four raid fumigators the kind that you add water to.

    You're going to put one in the trunk and close the trunk. You're going to put one on the floor of the back seat.

    You're going to put one on the passenger floor and on the driver's floor. You're going to need an assistant to do this. Because once you pour the little bit of water into the plastic cup. You've got about 30 seconds before it starts kicking out gas.

    So get yourself two helpers set the fumigators close the door and lock it. Leave it overnight.

    Then roll all four windows down. Let it set with the windows down for an hour and then head for the coin vacuum with all four windows down and vacuum up all the dead bodies

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