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Lv 5

Is it possible to disown in-laws?

I've always wondered about that. I know people disown relatives, but I'm not sure if in-laws or eligible.


Not just mother/father in-laws. Brother and sister in-laws. Cousin in-laws.

4 Answers

  • Anonymous
    3 weeks ago
    Favourite answer

    "In-laws" is the clue.

    Divorce breaks the legal connection.

  • 3 weeks ago

    You can stop communication with just about anybody you want (not government officials on official business). You can make sure that just about anybody will not inherit from your Last Will (not your spouse and children probably, but anybody else).

    That's all it means to "disown" a person.

  • 3 weeks ago

    Disowning is really just a term, it's not a legal thing where a legal relationship is severed.

  • 3 weeks ago

    if someone were to disown their inlaws the spouse would either be on your side and disown their parents, or they aren’t (which would probs end in divorce if it was bad enough to disown someone over) so maybe you can disown inlaws by proxy?

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