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Why does anyone care about blacks in Atlanta losing business due to the MLB thing?
The vast majority of those black business owners voted for Biden, so who cares. You reap what you sew.
4 Answers
- 3 weeks ago
While I feel bad for them, I too don't care.
Because they voted for Biden and Democrats. Donated money to them too.
Because they increase their numbers knowing the economic disaster it is to churn out all those kids in a bad/questionable economy.
Because they didn't have the foresight to save for a rainy day.
Remember, tomorrow never comes, right? Live for the day, right?
I wonder how many did plan for problems like this.
I now know to not watch ANY sports (except for maybe the Olympics and female mud wrestling) or drink Coke products (shame too I liked their products).
Notice MLB went from one Democrat rathole to another Democrat rathole? Besides, players are obscenely overpaid anyway.
- 3 weeks ago
I care. That's truly unfortunate that those business owners should be punished due to lies and corporate bullying. It's a shame that MLB has such a spineless leader. His predecessors sure called him an idiot for it.
I'm also fascinated that El Famoso didn't understand your simple question though.
- El FamosoLv 43 weeks ago
It's not happening! If they go out of business because of one game being canceled, then they're not running their business correctly.