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Does he like me as more than a friend or is this just how he is ? ?

I have a best friend who is a guy. I’ve known him for 2 years. He has a girlfriend and has mentioned to me before that he wants to marry her. We text each other a lot and we talk every night on the phone. When we are alone in person he likes to hug me a lot, he asks me to cuddle with him and he holds my hand a lot, he started doing this a few months ago. He only does it when it’s us. One time we went to the movies together and he kept wanting to hold me and cuddle. This confuses me because he has a girlfriend but I’m scared to bring it up because he may not be thinking about it the way that I am. Him and his girlfriend don’t display any public signs that they are together but I don’t bring that up either. The other day I mentioned to him where I wanted to go on my honeymoon, he then asked which hotel will him and I stay in when we go. He is Nigerian and I’m American so maybe it’s just a culture difference ? Does he like me as more than a friend? What should I do ? 

I am not thinking about dating him. His gestures are just confusing me 

6 Answers

  • 2 weeks ago

    Guys who 'close-friend' a girl like that is looking for comfort in the other sex to have to rely on for bad times with his girlfriend, and to get a female's point of view on concerning things befuddling him with his girl.

  • Anonymous
    3 weeks ago

    I would just start backing off.  He has a g/f. Do you want to be the cause of them breaking up?  If he wants you more than a friend, then he needs to break it off with her.  Please dont let him have his cake and eat it too. (dont be used)

    I would think that no matter what culture a person is from.. wrong is still wrong.  Cheating is still cheating.  (not that you are cheating.. but from what you wrote, it appears that this could lead up to him cheating on her)

  • Anonymous
    3 weeks ago

    I hate those kinds of guys he's a dick u should run away as fast as I can plus Nigerians r ugly and will prioritize their mama over u

  • ?
    Lv 7
    3 weeks ago

    The guy is anAss

  • ?
    Lv 7
    3 weeks ago

    When women OR ANYBODY confuses me, I don't worry about what they want or mean.  I just enjoy myself with them and do whatever I WANT.  If I do something wrong.  I blame them for confusing me and ask them to explain what is wrong.  Either way, MY HAPPINESS is not up to them.  If I make a mistake, it's their fault, if it's NOT a mistake... it's MY JOY.

  • Ashley
    Lv 4
    3 weeks ago

    He is from Nigeria? A lot of Nigerian men go for multiple women at a time. Seems like you fulfill the needs he needs because his girlfriend doesn’t give it to him. If you are developing feelings for him, I honestly think you should distance yourself. Because he has a girlfriend, it seems like you will always be the back burner girl he has to fulfill those needs he has. To me it sounds more romantic than a friendship. Maybe you should definitely ask him why he is getting romantic with you when he has a girlfriend. 

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