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Why is there no outrage at the black girls who killed the Uber eats driver?
No marches in the streets, hardly a mention by CNN and MSNBC. A real contrast to George Floyd. Funny that...
7 Answers
- ?Lv 53 weeks ago
It would have gotten national attention as a racial HATE CRIME IF the uber driver had defended himself/herself and killed one or more of his/her attackers ESPECIALLY if he/she had used a firearm especially if it was what the LIEberal left socialist demoCROOK'S describe as or considers an "ASSAULT WEAPON"!
- Anonymous3 weeks ago
Teenage killers
Their racist crime down played.
If the kids were white it would be a hate crime.
- Anonymous3 weeks ago
Cause they be blm whores!!!
- Anonymous3 weeks ago
Blacks have destroyed all American values.