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Isn’t it weird that Biden professes to be Catholic, yet supports abortion?
12 Answers
- Anonymous3 weeks ago
no ... choice is legal and unlike evangelicals, Biden doesn't blend church and state.
- marsel_duchampLv 73 weeks ago
He supports choice, not abortion. Do you want officials to force you to live by their religious beliefs? Lots of Catholics support the death penalty which is also opposed by the RCC. Trump professed to be a Christian but reveled in revenge without remorse. "Turn the other cheek" became "Hit back 10x as hard" in his "Christianity".
- Anonymous3 weeks ago
What's weird is how they justify the support of abortion. Just look at the following report. While a majority says it should be legal, almost the same majority says it is morally wrong (observation #6). Once could answer that this pretty much defines the Liberal Agenda, where morals don't play into laws.
Oh and you can profess to be a Catholic, after all perhaps your parents were one and you just kept their religion. But that same report also shows that "practicing" Catholics are more prone to be against it. Just how many times has Biden been to Mass in the last 10 years?
- Denise SLv 43 weeks ago
Isn't it weird that just as many "pro-lifers" have abortions than pro-choicers?
- Anonymous3 weeks ago
Many religious people value the freedom for people to choose based on their own religion/morals/values.
The USA has no national religion and therefore we don't make laws based on religion.
- Anonymous3 weeks ago
A lot of Catholics do, so..........?