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Cant get over I found out my partner had a sexual thing with a man 😭 please don't be nasty?

My fiance I have been with for 6 years, had sexual relations with a man in the past. Which I didn't find out until I had had a baby with him. The worst part about this is that we used to go out in our teens. Then reconnected 15 years later in which HE TOLD ME that he split with his ex over confusions over his sexualtity. 

A few years later we ended up getting together and I never thought anything of it. Until his ex decided to tell me in order to split us up he had done stuff with a man. She hates me as I was his first love and he never got over that. My partner tells me it knocked him rotton after, had numerous showers and was discusted in himself. And closed that book for him and declares himself straight. We have the best sex life ever. I have now just had another baby... which he was told to terminate numerous times as had down syndrome. He's been born perfect. I know its me but every minute of every day I think about it. He is the most perfect romantic person I gave ever met. Works so hard for our family. Took my daughter in as his own. Even after me leaving him over 5 times to go back to my ex he waited every time. The perfect partner ANYBODY could wish for.. I want to put it behind me and enjoy the life we have got. Please kick me into shape people as im going to lose everything if I carry on like this due to my own head space. I know I deserve the comments I will get. I really do. I dont know if its hormones in I also have preeclamsia. 

11 Answers

  • 3 weeks ago

    He was prepared to partner with a single mother and to sign up to bring up another man's child. He was prepared to accept a woman who is not a virgin.

    So why should you be worried that he has also had partners before you? And does it matter if the former partner was a man or a woman?

    Bisexual men (if that is what he is) are just as capable of choosing to be faithful as are heterosexual guys. And if he ever is unfaithful it will hurt just as much whether it's with another woman or with a man. 

  • Anonymous
    3 weeks ago

    Oh so you want to marry one of those flaming fairies smmfh

  • 4 weeks ago

    funny thing about the can't change one second of it,  no matter how many tears you shed. 

    all you can do is focus on what you have now, and what a great partner he is to you NOW . left him 5 times?  and he's still putting up with all your crap? 

    Thats amazing....he sounds like a saint. 

  • ?
    Lv 6
    4 weeks ago

    What you are doing is called "borrowing trouble" and you should find a way to clear your mind of all these non problems and spend your mental energy more productively.  I mean really, saying that either of you have been a perfect partner is not realistic.  Focus on what you can do in the present to be respectable people in the future.

  • Rick
    Lv 7
    4 weeks ago

    This might be a hormonal reaction.  You'll have to trust what he told you - he tried it but didn't like it.  That'll make you feel better and more secure about you and him as a couple.

  • Foofa
    Lv 7
    4 weeks ago

    Find a counselor to work through this in your own mind. He already told you he'd had confusions over his sexuality and that usually means some form of experimentation. But he also should have known you well enough to know that he needed to spell out every detail for you precisely because you've got some hangups about this. You've created a family with him so now you have to get to the place mentally where your children are more important than your feelings about gay sex. The goal should be to keep the family together. 

  • ?
    Lv 7
    4 weeks ago

    Like i said yesterday, stop living in his past.

  • Anonymous
    4 weeks ago

    It upset you so much you use emoji.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    4 weeks ago

    Yes you are going to lose everything, but it's not until you lose everything that you realize what you had. Even though you're spelling it out for us, it's still not enough for you. You can never make a woman happy even if you give her everything she will always nit pick one or two things that are imperfect and hang you out to dry for them, take notes fellas. Most women don't have the capacity to appreciate what you do for them, all these things are just expected of you as a man, which is why this woman has the mindset of "everything is perfect, BUT I can't seem to look past this one little thing" that's because none of the things he does are truly appreciated, it's just expected. When you truly appreciate something, you have the ability to look past certain things. I'm sorry but he took in your daughter?? You should be sucking his toes every night and be grateful you found someone like that. Almost no man in his right mind is going to take in another woman's kid and pay for them when there are so many women out there who don't have kids. 

  • Anonymous
    4 weeks ago

    He also found out you had with other guy too and he still accepted you right so be nice etc 

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