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Anonymous asked in Games & RecreationBoard Games · 1 month ago

A question about chess endgames?

My rating is around 1400 and I have started studying endgames.( 100 endgames book) I reached the rook vs bishop part . Now I know about the right and wrong corner but when I wanted to solve some excercises in an app I ran into some difficult problems in which there is a forced win for the stronger side but very hard to solve. Is learning them necessary ? Are they only solvable by deep calculation or is there a general idea or sth that u can exactly tell whether the position is a draw or win?( like king and pawn vs king )

1 Answer

  • 1 month ago
    Favourite answer

    Those particular endings are very difficult & often forced draws. Pawn endings are easier. It is only necessary to learn them if you aspire to become a chess master.

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