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Onlooker asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 2 months ago

Do you think Texas will finally throw out the Republicans?

The Texas energy situation is a mess. 

Because the arrogant, unAmerican mentality of the Texas Republican Party, Texas opted not to be part of the national grid because (1) they didn't want other states taking their energy during a blackout and (2) they did not want the federal government telling them what to do. So, Texas set up its own grid, ERCOT, and does not have access to energy from other states. As a result, Texas doesn't have enough energy to keep people warm and some people are sleeping in their cars, leaving the state, burning possessions to create heat, or even getting sick and dying. 

I hope the Texans finally wake up and realize that their current leaders suck!


Look how the right wing lies! Texas is responsible for its own energy decisions. Not only do they have their own grid, but Trump's policies are still in place so Texas' energy decisions are all its own. This is a Republican state party mess, and has nothing to do with the federal government. The federal government did not stop them from having larger energy reserves and did not force them into having green energy. 

8 Answers

  • 2 months ago
    Favourite answer

    Nope.  The cool thing about being a republican is you can go on TV and blame ANYTHING on liberals and your constituents will believe you.  You don't need proof, just blame liberals.  That's what Abbott is doing.  They are having these problems because they put profits over people (again), and didn't spend the money to winterize their grid.  That's why El Paso is fine, and they are on the national grid. 

    Anyone who blames this on the Green New deal (which isn't in place), or liberal policies is either lying or putting their ignorance on display. 

  • 2 months ago

    The Texas energy situation is a result of the Democrat policies regarding energy.  They have a higher percentage of wind and solar generation than most states and that is what has put the state in trouble.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    2 months ago

    Last time Texas voted for a Dem was Jimmy Carter in 1976 

  • Anonymous
    2 months ago

    No matter how you whine and wish TX will turn blue, it's not gonna happen.

  • Anonymous
    2 months ago

    All states should be using natural gas .... all of them .... stupid blackouts in CA is because of liberal policies on ridiculous energy workarounds when natural gas is there for everyone to use.  Its pathetic that we arent using it. 

  • Anonymous
    2 months ago

    Welcome to the future of energy plans implemented by the government.  Dems got their way with Texas, now it's a complete mess. 

  • 2 months ago

    This is the result of the Federal Government forcing green energy onto States, and the complete and total inability of green power to meet the demands of our society. 

  • Anonymous
    2 months ago

    We have to remove all democrats, by force if necessary. 

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