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Onlooker asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 4 months ago

Do you agree that a lot of those Trump people really are sort of stupid?

Some of them complain that we liberals look down on them (we do, but not all of them). 

But, why shouldn't we look down on people who carve "Trump" into a manatee; are so out of shape, 3 of them died on heart attacks or stroke at the rally; smoke cigarettes and wipe feces on the wall in our sacred capitals; chant 'Kill Mike Pence'; kick and kill police officers, and take and forward hundreds of self-incriminating videos. 

They're just like Trump, but even stupider. 

11 Answers

  • 4 months ago
    Favourite answer

    There are a lot of deplorables in that gang of misfits, yes.  I pity them for falling for the open con of a second-rate scam artist, but I despise them for becoming violent and angry at us for their own mistakes (those who follow that route, and there are many).

    It is reasonable to expect that they would turn on the con-man that has been pulling their strings for so long, but I guess there isn't much reasonable about a lot of those folks.

  • Mike L
    Lv 7
    4 months ago

    If I didn't know some of my friend and family better, I'd think they were at least ignorant. I'm just shocked people believe one man's word all of a sudden. 

  • Anonymous
    4 months ago

    When you are dealing with people who insist that the Bible is "The Literal And Inerrant Word Of God," who insist that "We don't need evidence; we already KNOW," then yeah, you aren't dealing with the brightest bulbs on the Christmas tree. 

  • Anonymous
    4 months ago

    No not all Trump supporters are stupid there are some that are not educated too well that also goes along with liberals there's also liberals who are very stupid too but I try not to call anyone stupid in the end I just wish we could all could come together and stop doing this stupid nonsense a bickering and fighting and work together but it's really not going to stop 

    Source(s): Divided we fall together we stand
  • ?
    Lv 6
    4 months ago

    That does sound dumb. Counties that voted Trump also account for 29% of the GDP.

  • 4 months ago

    Yes.  It takes a certain level of gullibility to fall for Trump's rhetoric, to believe mainstream media distorts its reporting based on political bias but rightwing media does not, and profess the virtues of personal responsibility while blaming literally everything on Democrats.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 months ago

    truth is that liberals support communism, anyone who supports communism is either brainwashed, stupid or both

  • Anonymous
    4 months ago

    As long as you also condemn leftists who commit arson, murder, assault and other crimes for political reasons, I accept your condemnation of extremists on the right.

  • Anonymous
    4 months ago

    Truth is that Putin is STILL whispering in Trump's ear on how to take down America, and sounds like Trump's STILL listening to him...

  • Anonymous
    4 months ago

    Those are the "basket of deplorables" Hillary Clinton was referring to. She was right then and she's still right today.

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