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Anonymous asked in TravelSwitzerlandOther - Switzerland · 4 months ago

Does this paragraph have any errors whatsoever ?

“ Ask for Denise A. to be your waitress. We liked her. She’s delightful, and she knows just exactly how to break the ice with customers. The food is pretty dang good; I had a grilled chicken sandwich with a nicely toasted bun. It was tasty.”

How would you write the same? 

4 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    4 months ago
    Favourite answer

    It seems fine as written. You might consider starting with something about why you liked the restaurant. You've described two reasons, the server and the food. With that introduction, it would be better.

  • 4 months ago

    Only logic errors. You went from recommending Denise [ btw, why is it important that she knows how to "break the ice" ?] to rating and recommending what you had. I would put a period after "pretty dang good." <- I am not a fan of that description, but it is not wrong.

  • Anonymous
    4 months ago

    Your error was posting a serious question here.  I suggest the following.

    "We recommend asking for Denice A. for your waitress. She is delightful and knows how to welcome customers.  The food was excellent, especially the grilled chicken sandwich on a toasted bun which was tasty."

  • 4 months ago

    I admire your use of the semicolon.  Quite a rarity these days.  However, I would make "The food is pretty danged good" (yes, it should be 'danged') its own sentence and join the other clause and the last sentence together and use the semicolon there.  Makes more sense, though it's not wrong the way you have it.

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