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Database Swells to 1,285 Proven Cases of Voter Fraud in America! Should Republicans kick millions of black people of the voter rolls again ?
I mean that is their excuse for doing it. Safety. Even though a lot of that fraud was north Carolina Republicans
3 Answers
- GaryLv 57 months ago
This is the precise reason our election system MUST require a valid state issued PHOTO I.D. AND EVERY ballot should have a unique identification code and a receipt given to the person voting with that specific ballot so once entered into the system that specific LEGAL voters name is tied to the unique ballot receipt. This way we can ensure that EVERY vote cast is done so by a person LEGALLY eligible to vote and that voter can use they're receipt and voter I.D. number to check to make sure they're vote was entered properly into the system. The added benefit to this system is IF someone tries to vote without presenting they're voter I.D. card and marrying they're voter I.D. number to the ballot then we automatically KNOW the ballot and vote is corrupt and should NOT be legally counted! Plus we can STILL do absentee ballots and vote by mail because the VOTER themselves MUST print they're voter I.D. number on they're ballot or it will be rejected.
Lastly there's NO proof that all the voter fraud occurring this year is tied to ONLY person's of color it can be from voters of any or ALL races so targeting ONLY blacks is a VERY racist move. What we need to do is in the precincts where there is fraud occurring is have every voter recast they're votes IN PERSON ONLY or completely discard ALL ballots/votes from that entire precinct!
- ?Lv 77 months ago
It's clear that voter fraud and election interference is being carried out by Democrats and Republicans. I would love to see a system where one is automatically registered to vote when they get a driver's license or state i.d., and names drop off the voter roles when one's driver's license or state i.d. expires. It would save a whole lot of grief.
- ?Lv 77 months ago
Oh well . guess we'll have to suspend the election until 2021 when we can all vote in person .