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Why do Trumpkins call Kamala a whore when you can literally look up pictures of Melania's vagina on the internet?
10 Answers
- Anonymous7 months ago
Willie Brown was separated from his wife for 13 years when Harris had a relationship with him. If that's the best the GOP can come up it, it's pathetic they even used it.
Remember all the hoopla about Michelle Obama in a sleeveless dress? Then Malaria's Internet nudes don't even get a mention, or people defend her. It's not okay to go sleeveless, but it's okay to pose topless? smh
- Anonymous7 months ago
Sexist ad-hominem
quite pathetic
- Godless GazooLv 77 months ago
No you can't. Boobies maybe....
But she wasn't screwing her boss to get a job like Kamala.
- RobertLv 77 months ago
Adulteress Harris is running for public office. Meliania is not. Anything else we can help you with snowflake?
- JamesLv 77 months ago
It's racism, pure and simple. Trump and Tucker both intentionally mispronounce Kamala Harris's name. And of course it's wouldn't be the first time they've been racist towards immigrants or people of color.
Trump called Mexican immigrants drug dealers and rapists. He calls BLM protesters terrorists. He has tweeted about certain black and brown congresswomen that they have no business telling us how to run the country and that they to go back to their "broken and crime infested" countries to fix the problems there. He has disrespected Gold Star families and accused the Khans of being sexist Muslims because the wife chose not to speak. And of course he insists on calling the Coronavirus "the Chinavirus" in an attempt to absolve himself of any of the responsibility for controlling the pandemic.
- River EuphratesLv 77 months ago
It's called 'projection'.
Trumptards have got nothing on her - so they went the misogyny route.
- ?Lv 67 months ago
Melania was a fashion model at one time. She was sometimes top less as she was European and they have different ideas nudity, it's hard to accept other cultures sometimes.
Kamala was a very smart lawyer that had a sexual relationship with a very old married man to help her career. Some people think that is whorish behavior.
It's a strange comparison since Kamala is a candidate and Melania is just the wife of a candidate. Wouldn't want an ex-fashion model deciding what color napkins for the luncheon or what style the new drapes will be.
- RockItLv 77 months ago
Who called the ugliest VP candidate in history a whore? What is she charging? $10 for a deep throat BJ?
- 7 months ago
Can we just get this election over with?
If I'm going to cry about another ridiculous US election outcome, I'd rather do it now instead of later. If Trump remains president, then I would have to accept that the USA is permanently Looneyville, and too broken to ever again be what it once was.