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Should Republicans just get on board with free healthcare for all?
Most Americans would rather not go bankrupt when they get sick. Republicans just look ghoulish and evil at this point.
7 Answers
- BlackAdderLv 71 year ago
No. And for the same reason that we were opposed to the ironically named 'Affordable' Care Act. It simply cannot deliver what it promises and never will. ONLY the private sector is capable of controlling costs and delivering superior quality health are. The government, pretty much by definition, cannot. What has the federal government ever done ANYTHING that was efficient, cost effective and high quality?
Name just one thing and we can have that conversation.
- electricpoleLv 71 year ago
"FREE" stuff would not look so good, if you were going to be the one paying for it. Because, nothing is "free".
- 1 year ago
They are evil! Taxes are good for society, but they are too selfish and evil to understand. They want to keep their money instead of helping their fellow man. We deserve health care and education, paying for it should not be a determining factor to save your life or get an education.