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Computer freeze?
My computer freezes up on one web site. It is my local news paper. It is the only site that this happens on. I have been reading this site for years. This has been going on for a couple months now. Any body have a solution?
6 Answers
- SBR32277Lv 72 years ago
You could try a different browser. My guess is that site is using a bad script that is causing the lag.
- Spock (rhp)Lv 72 years ago
pls contact the newspaper directly. there's something wrong with their website
- Bill-MLv 72 years ago
Try a different web browser. List of browsers you can try: Internet Explorer, Edge, Firefox, Chrome, Safari,
- seedy historyLv 72 years ago
If you don't pay for an on-line subscription.. that's a fairly common reality. Most newspapers have very limited free on-line availability.
- Anonymous2 years ago
restart your computer