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Anonymous asked in Local BusinessesAustraliaSydney · 2 years ago

Life ban from club, how to get out of it?

So, I had a lighter that doubled as a pocket knife in my bag, it got discovered and the club banned me and said I’d have to wait a year to come back.

Kinda stupid, I should give up, but most my social life exists in that club.

They have scantek, but I’m changing my name this year from my cultural name to my English name. (was going to do this regardless)

Do you think I can enter by doing that?

14 Answers

  • Anonymous
    4 months ago

    I'm one of your "friends" at the club and am the very same person who advised the club of your weapon. Do you think they found it via good fortune or being thorough?

    No, I advised them and will again when you attempt to sneak in, despite the one year ban. I think you truly should have received a life ban and am intending to show the club owners this question. I hope you get what you deserve.

    Anyhow, putting my feelings about the situation aside, you cannot escape the one year ban and that's my final say on the matter.

  • 4 months ago

    Just find another club! Maybe some of your close friends will follow you over to the new digs as well!

    Good luck!

  • 5 months ago

    are you back in the club now cxoxoxoxxxoxoxooxoxox

  • 6 months ago

    grow a beard  then they might not recognize you 

  • Anonymous
    10 months ago

    not if they recognize your face. Bouncers have good memories.  Then again maybe a month is long enough for them.  Anyone who needs a knife is a whoosee

  • Anonymous
    11 months ago

    Not unless they are as slow as you are.

  • 12 months ago

    Shuck 'em like corn and skedaddle

  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    try buying them a drink so I let you in

  • Pam
    Lv 6
    2 years ago

    So let me get this were already a member of the club, so you should have KNOWN the rules and policies. Yet, somehow you chose to bring a knife and got yourself banned for a year. But you figure, you'll be slick and get in on your "English name". instead of taking your punishment like you are above the rules. So what happens if they let you in and you break the rules again with your sense of entitlement? Some people never learn.

  • Pearl
    Lv 7
    2 years ago

    you need to ask that club that question

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