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Why are my tires cupping? Shocks good wheel bearings tight, tires rotated every 5000, Front end not out of line.?
7 Answers
- gLv 72 years ago
Tire cupping is generally cause by a failing or failed suspension component or simply a sub-pair quality tire.
If the tire itself is of poor quality it can develop cupping even if your vehicle's suspension has its integrity.
- thebax2006Lv 72 years ago
Tires cupping is usually bad struts or shocks.
If both front tires are worn on the inside edges there is too much toe out. If the front tires are worn on the outer edges it's from too much toe in.
Have the control arm bushings and ball joints inspected.
Source(s): Mitsubishi Master Tech - KennyLv 72 years ago
Usually worn shocks. If you say the shocks are good then wheel maybe out of balance. If pairs of tires then the double check on the shocks.
- DanLv 52 years ago
If everything is good as you say it may be poor quality tires or just the way the suspension of your unknown vehicle moves. Older Ford trucks use to be notorious for wearing out front tires because of the way their twin beam front axle changed geometry as it went down the road.