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Oh Fox news. Is that not just a cute way to say obstruction?
8 Answers
- 🐭-LAB RAT-🐭Lv 62 years ago
Keep grasping at those straws mate. The rest of us are moving on with our lives. BYE !!
- Jake No ChatLv 72 years ago
Obstructing justice is one thing, but obstructing a political game is quite another. Hillary conspired with the DNC in 2016 to steal the primaries from Bernie. That case is proven and widely known by all.
- 2 years ago
Let's get this straight: Trump might have colluded with Russia, but A: Mueller does not believe he has enough evidence to convict him and B: collusion is not a chargeable crime. However, Trump did obstruct the investigation. Trump did not commit a crime, but he committed a crime by trying to obstruct the people trying to figure out whether he committed a crime or not.
- ?Lv 72 years ago
This matters>>>This matters>>>>special counsel concluded there was no evidence that Trump or his campaign conspired with Russia to influence the 2016 presidential election. Mueller also declined to charge Trump with obstruction of justice"
Trump has every authority as head over the justice department to order them to do his will.
So I ask where is The Crime?
There is none.
Have a nice day.
PS - fish crackers, juice boxes and teddy bears are available in the lobby.
Source(s): Factual reality - Anonymous2 years ago
Liberals only believe what they want to believe.
- ?Lv 72 years ago
Trumps efforts to prevent Democrat sedition is not obstruction. Stopping Democrat criminal efforts to overturn an election is required by the US constitution.
Source(s): False accusation by Democrat 'lawyers' on the Mueller 'team' have no basis in law or fact. - ?Lv 72 years ago
You should become " Special Counsel " since it appears you have found " evidence " Mueller was unable to .