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Lv 7
Huh? asked in Consumer ElectronicsTVs · 3 years ago

TV won't pick up some UK Freeview channels.?

I have a Panasonic Viera TX-32LZD81 TV which won't pick up some Freeview channels such as Drama (20), 5USA (21) or Horror (70). Retuning doesn't make any difference and I have a smaller non-Panasonic TV which does pick them up so I don't think it can be related to the local transmitter. Both TVs use internal aeriels. Any ideas on how to fix this (not - subscribe to a cable service!)?


I should also have said the TV was picking up these channels without any problems until a few months ago.

Update 2:

I should also have said the channels which don't work come up 'Invalid DVB Channel', not merely 'no signal'.

4 Answers

  • Anonymous
    3 years ago
    Favourite answer

    The automatic tuning thresholds on different models of TVs are different.

    Some TVs will only add channels that are above a specific signal quality.

    Enter your postcode here: and add the channels manually based on your transmitter frequencies.

  • 3 years ago

    You need either a more effective indoor antenna or a good outdoor antenna.

    A local expert (home theatre specialist) should be able to help you.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    3 years ago

    maybe there was a free path between your house and the tower ... so they built a tall building on the they blocked the line of sight .. locate the tower and check the LOS ..

    if yes .. you have to use a roof antena.

  • 3 years ago

    The aerial is not getting a strong enough signal. Get a proper roof aerial fitted.

    You can try a manual tune to those channels.

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