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A 3 Part Question About food.?

1) What foods do you:

a) like most?

b) hate most?

2) FOR PERSONS LIVING ALONE: I'm trying to find out how my weekly grocery bill stacks up with others.

So how much do you spend per week at the supermarket?

Please state if you live outside the U.S.

2 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 5
    6 years ago


  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    I am a single male of 48 years I live in public housing and collect $194 in food stamps.i live in the bronx New York.

    I can tell you it's not enough. I buy cheap things like cup of noodles, rice, diet is mostly chicken and boars head hotdogs which are $5.99 compared to the others which are 2.99 I can tell you fresh chicken is expensive! So is heavy cream at $6.99 a quart store. brand instant coffee $5.29. I end up running out of food and starving before I get food stamps again

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