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CSU residence Questionnaire? HELP?

What does "Current Registration of all vehicles owned or operated in CA."

Does this pertain to just me or my family, because my parents own and operate a vehicle.

"Are all personal effects located in California?" Im confused about this one to.

2 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 6
    6 years ago

    It means who ever you live with. Their vehicles. The 2nd one is asking if everything they own is in CA. Some people have 2 homes or a cabin in another state. If you have questions that are so important like that you really need to ask your parents for help. You Wil get so many straight up wrong answers here that could really screw things up for you in some situations.

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    If you are applying to college, your residency is based on your parents' residency. So yes, it pertains to your family. If one parent has primary custody, use information about that person.

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