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Lv 7
Huh? asked in TravelAsia PacificThailand · 6 years ago

Reverse osmosis water machines in Thailand?


I saw a mention recently that these machines strip the minerals out of water during the purification process, to the point where you might need to take mineral supplements of some kind if staying in Thailand long term. Is there any truth top this?

2 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 5
    6 years ago

    i saw something on that too, saying that reverse osmosis takes everything out of the water that nothing's left in it, basically you have dead water, ...i think i saw a test done once and the water was actually acidic...try researching alkaline water or the carbon filter....

  • 6 years ago

    That report is ABSOLUTELY faked. Period.

    ALL minerals our body needed is from food, not water. Ask -any- doctor or academic nutritionist.

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