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Lv 7
Huh? asked in TravelAsia PacificThailand · 6 years ago

My phone needs a micro SIM card...?

I will be in Thailand in a cpuple of months. Do the 7-11s in Pattaya sell micro SIMs or will I have to go somewhere like to buy one?

3 Answers

  • 5 years ago


    Source(s): Free Government Mobile Phone -
  • 6 years ago

    I understand that your question is about MICROsims, not about any sims.

    I got what I wanted from a phone sales kiosk in a Tesco Lotus, but as you may have found, the micro ones are not just everywhere yet.

    Knowing very little about LOCAL on line shopping, I may also try because if they do not have a specific thing you need...... they will search for it.... and serve Thailand, unlike

  • 6 years ago

    Yes 7 11 carry sims.

    Yes Family Mart carry sims.

    Yes TukCom carry sims.

    Yes other telephone companies and agents sell sims.

    All of that is, if it will fit in YOUR phone, you did not tell us what kind it is.

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