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Lv 7
Huh? asked in News & EventsMedia & Journalism · 6 years ago

Sun readers - does this image surprise you?

This is from today's Scottish edition, saying what a great job Nicola Sturgeon did on Thursday. Did they run this in the English edition?

Attachment image

3 Answers

  • 6 years ago

    Merde Doc's toilet paper/comic is read for sport & amusement rather than any serious political


    Given a nod and wink by Tony Bliar (that he, TB) would consider reviewing BBC's Licence Fee

    Monopoly, the Dirty Digger from Down Under - SWUNG his media empire in favour of NU-Labour

    and then boasted - 1997 - head-line NEWS "It was the Sun that Won it !!!"

    An Arch-Republican - whose family's special privileged VOTING rights in International News Corp

    give them effective control - also owns FOX News Channel - an aptly named Republican fee-charging

    VOX POP pile if shite with no more credibility than the Beano or Dandy - for serous NEWS - albeit the

    smirking o'Reilly **** constantly claiming it's the 'Home of NO spin'.

    Hmm - Murdoch Snr and Jnr - seem to have strictly limited their visits to the UK in recent

    years - suspected of telling FIBS (bare-faced LIES) to our Parliamentary Committee investigating

    the phone-HACKING scandals - and wishing to pose further Qs to the Murdochs.

    One assumes they jet in/out of Heathrow-Gatwick- Dublin - by private jet as SELDOM as required.

    MEANTIME - highlighting the good performance of Nicola Sturgeon is of course another SWITCH

    of 'allegiance' - to undermine Left-wing Old Labour Miliband's chances...etc.

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    Nice lime colored carpet ye big bufty

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    I don't know I don't read that shite

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