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Do prescription drugs play a roll in mass killings?

Latest: Miriam Carey -

"“Investigators found two medications in the apartment of Miriam Carey: one used to treat schizophrenia and symptoms of bipolar disorder; the other an antidepressant,” a law enforcement source told"

Some are saying this also - but the Pharmaceutical Industry 'owns' the media.

Psychiatric Drugs And Mass Murder: Exploring The Connection

The Proven Side Effects Of SSRIs

Manic reaction (kleptomania, pyromania, dipsomania, nymphomania)

Hypomania (poor judgment, over spending, impulsivity, etc.)

Abnormal thinking


Personality disorder




Abnormal dreams

Alcohol abuse and/or craving


Paranoid reactions



Sleep disorders

Akathisia (severe internal restlessness that can lead to suicide)

Withdrawal syndrome


6 Answers

  • Golfer
    Lv 7
    8 years ago
    Favourite answer

    Most of the school shootings and young people shootings were done by people who were on something like Prozac.

    The media quit reporting those facts when they found out they could blame a gun instead of the drugs or the shooters.

    Makes one wounder how many so called journalist and reporters use Prozac?

  • Kojak
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    "Do prescription drugs play a roll in mass killings?".....Of course his medication or lack there of played a role in this and many other tragedies ....

    Is the Pharmaceutical Industry culpable.... NO..... They are no more responsible than a company that manufactures alcohol or kitchen knives..... the side effects and potential risks are well known..... it is the primary responsibility of the individual and the administering physician...... and while these side effects may mitigate the crime they do not excuse the crime.....what the patient / physician did or failed to do will never be known...... been my personal experience that attending physicians often do not talk to the patient about the side effects of the medication and simply expected the patient to read the literature that comes with the medicine...... one day that may cause a physician some legal consequences ....just ask Michael Jackson's doctor Conrad Murray

  • 8 years ago

    It is possible but not proven. It could also be they are just crazy anyways. Some of them quit taking their medication or refused to take it so who knows. However it seems antidepressants are only having that effect on men, not women. All of the shooters who have been on antidepressants so far have been male not female.

  • 8 years ago

    Yes. The increase in shootings and other violent aberrant behavior in public places can be directly correlated with the increased use of Anti-psychotic and Anti-depression prescription medications.

    Obviously, they are not working.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Only schizophrenics are saying that.

    What a surprise medical treatment of schizophrenics isn't 100% effective.

    Medical treatment isn't magic.

  • Judith
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    The problem with her is that she stopped taking her meds and became psychotic.

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