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Would you call this 'adding insult to injury'?

Parking Tickets Issued to Cars Destroyed in Violent Sweden Riots — Conservative Site Posts Proof

"But instead of cracking down on the perpetrators, authorities were busy issuing parking tickets on cars that were burned by the rioters. "

+ "But while the Stockholm riots keep spreading and intensifying, Swedish police have adopted a tactic of non-interference. ”Our ambition is really to do as little as possible,” Stockholm Chief of Police Mats Lofving explained to the Swedish newspaper Expressen on Tuesday."

+ "but Muslim bullies, products of a “Middle Eastern culture of violence,” who are “turning their aggression on other people’s property and the public order” in what is “clearly a demonstration of power."

Funny that no main stream media identify them as Muslims !! Are they cowards??

They are just asking for more trouble - by not standing up to them, they will be controlled by them eventually.

1 Answer

  • Golfer
    Lv 7
    8 years ago
    Favourite answer

    It all goes back to the Bible, that which is goodwill be called bad and what is bad will be called good.

    If you don't kill a snake he will continue to bite you--IF YOU let it, because you can't tame a snake.

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