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Man Utd fans ... are you disappointed that Sir Alex Ferguson didn't finish his career with a win?

It looked like we had it in the bag (so to speak), but the Baggies refused to give in.

Congratulations to them for a great fight-back.

However, nothing can dim the brilliant career of the English football's greatest manager, SAF.

What do you think ?

5 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 5
    8 years ago
    Favourite answer

    I always think that if you can't go out with a win you may as well go out with a bang and he certainly did that.

    Come the second half both sides just didn't seem to care about defending and went all out to get as many goals as possible. It provided a memorable spectacle of a game and a draw was probably a fair result. At the end of the day great managers are remembered for their achievements rather than their last game in charge for instance Brian Clough's last game was a loss that saw Forest get relegated but few think of that game when you start talking about Clough. Ultimately the game was a record breaking spectacle much like the career of the man whose game it was his last.

  • 8 years ago

    It would have been good to go out on a win, but it still doesn't take anything away from his achievements at Old Trafford.

    He will always be remembered with legendary status at Manchester United, for sure.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    8 years ago

    I was disappoint cause with the amount of goals we scored I was thinking "send him off in style and thrash them" but it did not work out that way. The never say die attitude that we always go by was used against us but I was still happy.

  • 8 years ago

    I think it's still a nice way to send him off...he sees an exciting game full of goals and is like 'wow'

  • ?
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    First 5-5 ever. Not a bad way to go.

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