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Is there a future for the Phantom in comics and animation?

The Ghost who Walks has been a favourite of millions for decades, but is he still popular today with comic readers?

Await your thoughts .....

2 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favourite answer

    Yes, I believe that he is.

    The Phantom is still very popular in many countries and one of his best features is that he has attained his skills by hard training and discipline - he has no super powers.

    He is known by many names - one of them is "The man who cannot die"

    I think this speaks volumes about his future too - he will always be around and always have a solid fanbase amongst comic readers.

    Source(s): Long live the Phantom !!
  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    consistent with hazard you need to upload those ones: Serial Experiments Lain Neon Genesis Evangelion Sakura Wars Galaxy show 999 Leda Mazinger Z Rail of the famous person Macross: Do You bear in mind Love? dogs of Flanders Martian Successor Nadesico Kimba: The White Lion Doraemon Spooky Kitaro velocity Racer

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