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Should Brisbane bring back the traditional Lion for good?

It's a RESOUNDING yes from me. It looks utterly fantastic, the boys were up and about today in an excellent win over the hugely in-form Bombers.It was amazing to watch, and I would have no second thoughts about dropping the 'Paddle Pop Lion' to bring back the 3-peat guernsey..

Is there anyone who disagrees? Genuinely curious, as it seems 99% of the footy public also want the traditional Lion back..


5 Answers

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago
    Favourite answer

    I like the old Lion, brings back memories (not that I'm a closet Lion fan or anything).

    Good on the Bears (hehe) for knocking over the SCUM.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Yeah it was a fantastic win yesterday.

    They should bring back the 2D lion, i know thats they are trying to modernize the AFL with its logos, however the "Paddlepop Lion" just looks wrong. A mate at work supports Brisbane and he said

    "Whilst they are using the current logo on polo shirts and other accessories, i have no intentions of purchasing any merchandise" So there is at least more than 1 supporter of the lions who dislikes it. Even the Guernsey with the paddlepop head dosnt look right.

  • 8 years ago

    In order to succeed one has to have a good firm grounding base. That is what the traditional lion would represent from my point of view. I'd say keep it. Too much of footy is being modernised - rules being mainstreamed in order to fill the coffers of AFL by attracting soccer mums thinking the sport is too violent, sponsoring and pharmaceutical persuits in a sport where blokes use to just finish a match and have a few in the locker rooms. If it ain't broke, don't fix it!

  • ?
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    The Guernsey they've currently got looks pretty good i gotta admit. But, i agree with ya there, I'd also prefer the old Guernsey they had back in their 'Era' days.

  • 8 years ago

    I love it,, its what i remember brisbane by there modern top looks crap anyway, was a good win

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