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Are Man City 'kidding' with their replacement manager?
No offence to Brian Kidd, but he's really not in the same league as Roberto Mancini.
This shows the contempt that the management hold their football team in - they should have left Mancini in the position until the end of the season, regardless of media speculation & other excuses
What do you think ?
@Jars - thanks.. at least somebody gets the joke. It was a bad pun, I know.
4 Answers
- Tony TLv 68 years agoFavourite answer
with a win pecentage of 100% Brian Kidd is Man City's greatest ever manager
- SkywolfLv 78 years ago
I think someone has a Manchester City obsession.
City WERE going to leave the announcement until after the end of the season but Mancini demanded an immediate answer, so they obliged. It was Mancini who requested it; had nothing to do with the media pressure.
Your hatred of City is really ramping up these past few weeks.
What's wrong, a City fan steal your wife away or something?
- ?Lv 78 years ago
He will be in charge for one game win or lose will not effect citys position in the league where is the problem
- I'm watching youLv 68 years ago
He's simply their interim manager until the end of the season, I don't see what's so funny about it.