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Swansea fans ... were you cheated out of a possible win?

I watched the game and there was no doubt that Michu was deserving of a penalty when he was slugged by a wild-tackling City player.

If Swansea had been awarded a penalty, they could have go on to win the match.

What do you think ?

2 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago
    Favourite answer

    i think it was ridiculous not to play ki. sad part is ki was playing as a CB at the capital one cup final and later got substituted.

    laudrup is hating.

  • 4 years ago

    ok at the starting up there is no rule antagonistic to passing the %. motor vehicle as long as you get again in the back of it which he did you won't be able to advance your position less than yellow.....wager what he became interior the lead so he couldn't advance besides perchance you should get Sirius radio and pay interest to the Nascar channel so that you'll get knowledgeable somewhat extra on the regulations of the pastime butttttt you're for sure a hater and under no circumstances going to attempt this because hating on Jr is what you do.

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