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Does anyone know if the anti gay "people" attempted to protest that child's funeral?

I heard they were and then I heard they cancelled it and then I heard that they would have been stopped way outside the funeral site by a line of police, firemen and Hells Angels who were lined up across the street. I never know what to believe anymore. The internet is full of misinformation. The person I heard the aforementioned from said the media never reported it for some reason. Could be it never happened or else it was another thing the media chose not to report.

5 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago
    Favourite answer

    People from all over the US, many of them bikers,came to form a chain to block the Westboro baptist protesters. As far as I know they didn't show up this time.

  • TK
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    That church was at one of the children's funeral. The child had some connection to the fire department so firefighters and other supporters lined the streets and blocked the family from seeing the zealots.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    The internet may be full of misinformation,but if you read the highly reliable Daily Mail on would be happier.I am leaving you a link to get you started.I regret I have no idea what you mean with your question.It helps a great deal for you to give members a link to illustrate your story.

  • 8 years ago

    Use your Brain, Hells Angels would not be protecting gay people's rights. They might beat up some gay people and steal their motorcycles. They would probably sell meth to gay people.

  • 8 years ago

    I assume you mean Westboro, and yes they did announce intentions to do so. Complete d-bags they are..

    Source(s): I forget..
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