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? asked in Society & CultureLanguages · 9 years ago

can someone please translate form swiss german to english?

I würere eifach lah ziit

lug, honestly:

I mean woo the gfühl amel au, dasi, I was like nümm sensitive for him. it isch mängisch wüki nöd guet

dänn bugs me a him everything and I no sgfühl han, I wott "free" sii

but vergaht resist dänn and I schämm and I feel schlächt, dasi Sun dänkt and gfühlt han

I know nöd dismissed their gaht or what you do or what I'm doing söllsch Soell ... but the gits just amel

especially wahrschindli wämmer is long nümm gseht /'d gseh

but I bruuche eifach distance mängisch vo him. Now, this sounds stupid, willer wiit lives away, but I eus schribet each day long

2 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favourite answer

    I wish you hadn't asked google translate before posting your text here. Google translate has NO IDEA whatsoever about SWISS GERMAN. Luckily, I might say, but that way the original message got MESSED UP often beyond recognition....pronouns in the original refer to any number of THINGS, but "him" or "her" in English refer only to people, never to things, plus: as (Swiss) German and English share words with identical spelling but different meaning, the text you posted is REALLY confusing in places. (Examples: I, me, a, was, woo, sun, gits, is, long....)

    So, all I can give you is the gist of the original, as it is perceivable through the google-created mist....

    I would just leave her a bit of time.

    look, honestly:

    I can't relate emotionally to him any more. Sometimes when things don't go really smoothly, everything about him gets on my nerves and I have the feeling I would like to be "free".

    when that passes, I feel ashamed and bad that I had such negative thoughts and emotions.

    I don't really know what I should do or what would be the best for you to do - but things like that do happen especially and probably after not having seen each other for a longer period of time.

    But I do need a bit of distance from him. Now, this sounds stupid, while he lives far away, but [this bit is too garbled to make sense out of it]

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    My Swiss-German is sketchy at best, but I'll give it a go...he's obsessing over a tv presenter here in Switzerland, Susanne Wille...I don't watch tv in German much (probably should know her). 10 vor 10 is the name of her show, I gather it's on at 9:50pm. I'm home from work, my day was hard I watch tv, I'm totally zonked (I'm nervous) 10 vor 10 is so far away I have a date with you, Frau Wille, I'm just waiting for you (I've set the VCR?) for our date I shaved and I hope you like my new (Jil-Sander-Duft, dunno what that is) I'm dressed up and (trying to look my best) (dunno, something about food I think) and I'm cooking spaghetti al dente (I'm trying to amaze you and be the man of your dreams?) You're so smart and nice and (pretty?) unbelievably (good-looking?) and so well-dressed (You're always on time?) (there's nothing I'd like better?) When I think about it, you are perfect I can make you louder or quiet whenever I want (I'm so happy you're there?) And if I ever get tired of you, I can just zap you away. Ohh Susanne ohh Susanne Every day at 10 I see you and sing the blues ohh Susanne ohh Susanne Thank you, Frau Wille (you've changed how I see the world?) Ohh Susanne ohh Susanne You are wow the perfect woman for me. Don't worry Frau Wille I'm not a Stalker I understand the difference between personal and business (Maybe it's a mistake that your whole life is public?) (And I just have to start after all these years?) It's such an intimate situation for you and me (something about starting something with a fingernail for you?) You never take it personally when I don't feel like talking You talk more and always have something to say (I really hope I'm not making you feel like you're in a magazine?) After a glass of red wine (I feel good?) (You're like an umbrella against the acid rain?) Now that we're closer, can I call you "du" (the informal version of "you"--up to this point in the song he's called her "Sie") You never need money and you show me the world It's so nice here with you in these four walls I enjoy your (dunno, company?) with me on holidays especially when we sleep together It's really true Wherever Wille is, I will go

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