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15 Answers
- 9 years ago
I would something interesting or a name you don't see around often. (: Like Bluestone, Applebee, Skywalker, or Starr, Starling. :P
• Emily Bluestone
• Emily Applebee
• Emily Skywalker
• Emily Starr
• Emily Starling
I really love Emily Starr and Emily Starling the most!!
BQ :: I surname I would hate to have is anything that's super embarrassing like Cockerton, Dicker, Plummer, Drinkwine, or Weiner. O_o
- AislingLv 79 years ago
Wood. I just really like it as a last name.
Or Grohl because I'm mentally married to Dave Grohl :)
BQ: I would hate Cox,Dick etc.
- KayaLv 69 years ago
I'd most likely stick with mine because it's pretty badass sounding and Prussian despite everyone thinking its Greek as I'm half Greek - Kikillus
If not I must say Chloe-Marie Hendrix has a nice ring ;) or maybe Chloe-Marie Wentz, Chloe-Marie Becker, Chloe-Marie Kerouac.
BA: Would not want Cox, I know of a William Richard Cox and think his parents should be arrested.
Would not want Dickson or any other penis names :P Would not want Moses or Christian or anything affiliated with religions and definitely not Mason.
Fascinating question :D
- ?Lv 59 years ago
I would love the name Lynx.
I would hate the name Winslet or Naaktgeboren (It's a famous Dutch surname which means Born Naked) xD.
- shadowboxerLv 79 years ago
I love the sounds of Longheart and Bellamy. But Gabby Bellamy doesn't really fit, so I'd go with Gabby Longheart â¥
- Anonymous9 years ago
- FascinatingLv 59 years ago
Probably christ. So I could be god.
BQ hitler or birtshitz I wouldn't want as a last name.
- 9 years ago
I love my last name but I've heard some pretty cool ones like Warfield haha intense! I feel bad for people with last names like Dix, Rash, etc ... ive heard them all and that would suck!