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Has there been a day in the past 75 years when the US has not had troops fighting overseas?

I have been looking at US military history and cannot think of a day when US troops have not been fighting since 1937.


@Double L -- The US were fighting in in China on behalf of the Kuomintang (Nationalist troops) straight after WW-2. The US forces were also fighting HUKS in the Philippines even after Filipino Independence. Also, they had US pilots flying supply missions for the French in French Indochina from 1948 onwards and combat missions for the French from 1949 onwards until the French defeat in May 1954. Then the US had CIA operatives (many still part of the US military) operating in the north destroying major infrastructures. The US sent advisers to Vietnam in November 1955 and many took action against dissidents even though the NLF (what many Americans call the Viet Cong) did not exist until December 1959. US troops were still flying combat missions in Cambodia until August 1975 and were fighting in Laos even after that. The Second Indochina (Vietnam) War did not finish until December 4, 1975 when the Pathet Lao took Vientiane, Laos.

3 Answers

  • Dave M
    Lv 7
    9 years ago
    Favourite answer

    Of we could ever open the CIA files - along with the many out right murders they have committed to include JFK - drug smuggling - think they have been pretty busy form the day they were founded.

  • 9 years ago

    Yes, there have been lots and lots of days where American troops were not "fighting" overseas in the last 75 years.

  • 9 years ago

    Evidently you didn't look very hard. From '46 - '50 the US troops were not involved in fighting. Then from the end of the Korean War ('53) till advisers got involved in Vietnam (1960ish). Then from '73 till '83.

    There are periods were we haven't been engaged in combat.

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