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Lv 6
Joh asked in PetsDogs · 10 years ago

I know this isn't a dog question but I trust you guys?

Question for your teenage self?

My 18 year old daughter is dating a guy that everyone in our family thinks is an absolute wrong choice for her. Not just immediate family - I'm talking aunts, uncles, grandparents and her friends etc.

He speaks down to her, uses and goes through her 'phone, says really bitchy things and then claims it's a 'joke' and (in my opinion) bullies her by being passive aggressive and sulky.

She was recently hospitalised with severe abdominal pain and he thought it would be fun to poke her belly to 'test' if the morphine and oxycodone was working yet - yes! the pain was that bad ): They broke up yesterday after he objected to being told how unsupportive he had been while she was ill but he now seems to have convinced her to give him another shot. They had a screaming fight and he damaged our front door through slamming and/or hitting it but now it is all supposed to be fine :(

We have tried to be as supportive of her as we can but I think the horrendous peer bullying that she has been through has left her vulnerable to this type of control. My major concern is that through his controlling and manipulative behaviour he is alienating her from her support network (both friends and family). My friends that I have seen date men who exhibited these behaviours have ended up in very abusive relationships.

Please, can anyone give me some advice on how to help her to see that she deserves better than this?

7 Answers

  • kelly
    Lv 6
    10 years ago
    Favourite answer

    All you can do is tell her your point of view and that of your famlily .

    Sit her down and go through all the things that concern you about him

    Also it is illgal and disrespectful to damage anothers property . That is his girl friends families prorerty he is damaging ... has he no respect ? This is no only effecting your daughter but you as well , tell her that.

    Its hard for you to watch her go through all of this of course . But the more you try and drive them apart , the higher chance she has got of her runnng straight back to him .

    Tell her your point of view an encourage her to think again . Do not go on at her this will only bring them closer togther

  • At her age there is nothing you can do. I am not a teenager but raised 2 girls. I will tell you the more you push this issue the more she will go towards him. At this age if it comes down to choices trust me when I tell you she will choose him over family right now. You have to hope you raised her to figure these issues out and that she does deserve better. This is an insecurity she has with herself. Bullied or not she is past the age of you making her decisions for her. I really believe being that teenager myself and having two girls that they go a little crazy at some point and make wrong decisions. You can offer some sort of therapy but it should have been offered years ago. In the end she will make the decision good or bad. If she goes with the wrong decision you can only support her and hope for the best or you will loose her to him. My daughter married someone that I cant stand. Almost 10 years later they are getting divorced. I had to keep reminding myself it is not my life and I do not have to live with the jerk. You have to do the same if you are going to keep a relationship with your daughter. She is 18 you already raised her now you have to hope for the best.

  • 10 years ago

    She is confusing aggressive and possessive behaviour with love. Is it possible to sit her down and get her to make a list of what she likes and what she doesn't like about the boy? Seeing in her own words exactly what he is like may trigger her into dumping him. But only she can do that, and the more you push - the more she will pull, it's the way a teenage mind works. See if you can get her friends to get her to go on "girl's night out" - she may then see all the fun she is missing out on .....

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    What you need to ask yourself is what does she see in this guy. as that does seem to be the root of all her problems is it some kind of hero worship as he is so aggressive,not realizing she is in danger in his hands.

    some women have some rather weird and stupid attitudes to this sort of behaviour they say stupid things like he really loves me that is why he does it.

    so she has a mental block here where he is concerned.

    Until the penny drops he is not going to change no matter what there is little anyone can do.

    He could actually kill her and she is so stupid about him she would let him.

    so apart from moving her well out of his reach for many years there is nothing you could do.

    They both are as mentally ILL as one another he controlling and she loves being controlled.

  • Cheryl
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    you can't talk to her because she is 18 and knows everything already in her mind ... and the fact that she will even put up with that kind of abusive relationship says VOLUMES about how she was raised ... you said you have tried to be supportive, why on earth would you be supportive when you can see clearly he is bad news ... because she is spoiled ??? never been told no or had to deal with boundaries ??? only child ??? and where is the father ??? girls with issues with men usually have an issue with their actual father, lack of love and acceptance therefore will take whatever she can get from any man which is exactly what has happened ... and there is nothing you can do ... of course she deserves better, of course the guy sounds like an idiot, but you raised her and if you have to post on yahoo answers what is going on here, i think FAMILY counseling is in order ... ask yourself why you did not raise a daughter who does not think more of herself, is so lacking in self esteem ??? that is where the parents screwed up and your daughter is paying the price ...

  • Erika
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Why does he loaf around with those people? despite if he says he's "diverse' he nevertheless unearths what they do perfect. you may tell lots a pair of individual from their acquaintances. i could be particularly careful approximately this one.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    Half the time they already know,

    and have been "Forced" into the relationship; or were in too much fear to leave

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