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Can you have too much beetroot juice?

Love my fresh juices, but someone told me you can over do beetroot juice and it can lead to blindness.

Any dietician / nutrition people help me out !!!

2 Answers

  • 10 years ago
    Favourite answer

    Betanin, obtained from the roots (of beetroot), is used industrially as red food colourants, e.g. to improve the colour and flavour of tomato paste, sauces, desserts, jams and jellies, ice cream, sweets and breakfast cereals. Within older bulbs of beetroot the colour is a deep crimson, and the flesh is much softer. Beetroot dye may also be used in ink.

    Betanin is not broken down in the body, and in higher concentration can temporarily cause urine (termed beeturia) and stool to assume a reddish colour. This effect can cause distress and concern due to the visual similarity to bloody stools or urine, but is completely harmless and will subside once the food is out of the system.

    Beeturia is passing of red or pink urine after eating beets. It affects 10-14% of the population. While some believe it to be an autosomal recessive trait, it has been shown that individuals differ over time in having beeturia. Beeturia can appear and disappear in individuals. It may also cause red or pink faeces.

  • 10 years ago

    That is just silly, like carrots are good for your eyes, when juicing fresh fruits and veg, the only thing that can happen and it did do me is they have a laxative quality about them, the fibre is the biggest folly, I have a Jack LaLanne Power Juicer, have had it for 5 yrs, I still do a juice cleanse every so often, gets the pipes cleaned out and sparkling fresh, beets juice is good for you, high in iron, vitamin c and d, fibre and mineral, it can discolour your urine pink for a day or 2, just be careful it is not a health problem then.

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