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Sloan The Sloth asked in PetsDogs · 10 years ago

All about Labradors?????????? <3?

Well I got a puppy a day or two ago, and its a black lab. It's 8 weeks old, and today I realized I hardly know what to do to take care of it other then feed it, take it out, and play with it. I want to know everything about a lab, but I also want to know what to do for a few of these problems

-Mouthing whenever you start to play with him.

-Scarfing down food like hes starving all the time

-Separation Anxiety

-Potty training


Let me clarify some things

For the mouthing, I never hit him, as this can cause him to fear me, which I do know. If he bites me usually I gently close his mouth with my hand and tell him "No teeth" or "No biting." I didn't know if this was successfull or not, so I was looking for extra ideas too.

For the Separation Anxiety, I fear it might be because the days he's been here we've always been around him. If I leave him for more than two minutes he starts howling and whining, barking, and sometimes peeing and pooping. I usually leave him be, as he needs to grow out of it, but doesn't seem much of a success yet.

The problem for potty training is that I can't catch him doing it. He always does it when I'm asleep, when I'm not in the room. I always praise him whenever he goes outside, but never can catch him in the act inside to scold him.

I'm not a total idiot with dogs, it's just I havent had a puppy in a long time and this puppy was almost forced upon me, only because my cousin neede

Update 2:

Part of that got cut off......

Only because my cousin needed to get rid of the puppies that had arrived at his house. It's been 2 years since my dog died, and I'm a little rusty with puppies. I didn't really have time to prepare either.

7 Answers

  • 10 years ago
    Favourite answer

    for the mouthing:

    WHENEVER and every time he mouths you or any part of you, stand up and ignore him. this will teach him that if he mouths then he doesnt get your attention and thats what he wants. you could also have a toy on hand and throw him that, that will teach him that the toy is a better option to chew on then your hand.

    scarfing down food:

    my 5 month old lab puppy does this you could get a special bowl that they sell at petsmart to help him to slow down. heres what it looks like : i wouldnt worry about it to much, i think any lab will have this problem, i wouldnt take to much of your time into it thought

    seperation anxiety.

    it is completly normal for a puppy that was just taken away from the perfect life he thought he had and now doesnt (not really that just what they think it). how would you like it if you were taken away from your family and put into some persons house with new sents and smells, you would be scared to. hes just scared, he will grow out of it just remember that when you come back make sure he sees you this way he will know that you are there are think that you will always return

    potty training.

    i dont really have much to say about this one because my breeder was so good that she had all 9 8 week old puppies housebroken before they came home. i would look it up on google or youtube about this one. all i know is that you have to take the puppy out every hour or so and wait until he goes.

    good luck!

    Source(s): i have a 5 month old black lab
  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    I'm going to leave most of these questions as you'll find all the information you need about rearing puppies, and Labs in particular, if you hit Amazon and buy a few breed-specific books. There are loads on there, second hand, cheap, and in good condition.

    Just to correct a few points raised here - puppies of 8 weeks ARE NOT TEETHING!!! They already have their full set of puppy teeth, and the adults don't erupt until they are at least 4 months, maybe even a little older.

    An 8 week puppy is not suffering from separation anxiety. He's 'suffering' because his whole little world so far has just crashed around his ears. He's missing his old familiar surroundings, his litter mates and probably the person who bred him. This is completely different to what is commonly called separation anxiety. And is quite nomal. It will stop, once the puppy settles into his new surroundings, and routine.

    Apart from the books, get back to his breeder who should, if they are good breeders, be there to help you with these understandable first days, and weeks if you've never had a puppy before.

    Add DO NOT EVER USE PHYSICAL CONTACT with a puppy of this age - no hitting, poking, or anything. How to make a gentle breed visious, in one easy step!

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Dogs in apartments. Hm. Dogs tend to bark and neighbors tend to hate barking. Also, I'm not sure if a breeder or shelter owner will allow you to have the dog in an apartment. Here around out apartment, a park is merely a few blocks away. It would take less than 30 minutes to walk to it. A 20 minute DRIVE is a very long way to walk a dog, and I have doubts that you'd take your dog every day twice a day for excercise. But then again, I could suppose you could take your dog on walks around the neighborhood as often as needed. It would not be much different from owning a lab in a house, actually. Bottom line, I see it as possible. I don't see it as the best idea, however.

  • 10 years ago

    Well, to start mouthing is just his teathing.just stop when he does tell him no and when he does stop mouthing say good boy and continue playing.scarfing food is a puppy thing but make sure it doesnt become a habit. Also he cud be nervous that u will take it. Just make sure he doesn't eat to fast they cane twist there stomachs if they do sometimes.separation anxiety, don't leave him alone for long when he's a pup. Make sure he knows its ok for u to be gone or it will fallow him for a long time. Make sure that when u do leave him he, has toys and water don't let him get bored either. For potty training, there are thousands of ways. I just keep an eye on then tell them no when they go inside and put them imediatly outside . Then when he does go outside give him a big reward make a real big deal about it. What u need to know about labs? They are fun, hyper, need a lot of excersize, don't let them get bored theyll chew, most like water. Start training early start with things like his name , sit , down ,off ,lie down, stay , leave it and no

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    Biting what we did with my dog was if she bit us just give them a little flick on the nose and eventually they should get over the habit.

    Scoffing down food you could try and give him little amounts of food at a time so he nows not to scoff sometimes they also scoff when someone or something like another dog is watching them eat.

    Separation anxiety will ware off in a couple of days because they get used to not having someone with them all the time.

    Tell it to go to the toilet on the grass and if it does tell it "good boy/girl" and give him/her a treat and if he/she goes to the bathroom inside scold it tell it "naughty"

    Hope this helps :)

  • 10 years ago

    The feeding thing why I did is feed him and when he started doing that try to separate him from food and then slowly place home near the food it worked for me in just a week also for the poop thing if you catch him in the act beat his *** not too hard though and tell him where to poop like take him for walks and tell him poop or go and point at the grass hope this help :)

  • Collie
    Lv 6
    10 years ago

    You obviously didn't study animals enough! Get a book! That is what you should have done long ago before ordering your dog!

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