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Lv 6
Joh asked in PetsBirds · 1 decade ago

what NOT to feed chickens?

I can find plenty of information on what to feed my chooks but is there anything in particular they shouldn't or can't eat?


7 Answers

  • toefu
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favourite answer

    Chickens will eat, can eat, can digest, and WILL digest just about anything...They are Gods compost...Potato peals, old bread, rotten meat, empty corn cobs...Seriously, you can't poison a chicken unless on purpose with chemicals...They have guts of steel and can find nutrition in what you or I would think there is NO nutrition...

    My BF is a farmer and when a chicken dies, he lets it lay because the other chicken (canibals) will pick it clean...

    Short of actual poisoning, a chicken can get nutrition out of anything...They are natures scavengers just like a vulture...

    Seriously...Feed your chickens a good feed and when you see them picking on a dead snake, mole, rat, mouse, another dead chicken, don't worry....That's what chickens do...

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    What not to feed chickens, do not feed chickens, chicken LOL

    Feed them Beef, tee hee, Chic Fil A the commercial...okay I know.

    Give them chicken feed and then they find all the bugs and worms themselves, you do not need to feed them anything else.

    Chickens are cool, my grand parents had Rhode Island Reds all their lives.

    If you feed the chicken feed then they are good....they do have chicken tidbits, I do not know if they still do, but my grandpa would sit on his back porch around 2pm every day and toss out little pellets, it was for chickens only.

    Check with your feed store, they have the best knowledge of what to feed your chickens.

    You do not have to worry about chickens, even if you forget to feed one or two days, heck they find all the goodies on the ground, they will not starve.

    Oh, and do not feed anything marked Perishable, cause your chickens could vanish, LOL

    Good luck, but really, the feed stores are the best source of information for your chicken feed.

    Good Luck

    And no bubble gum, popcorn, unpopped.......

    The best chicken feed they use to feed, was chicken food and it had little tiny granules of corn in it...

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    They can eat flesh & do-not feed anythings like a waste things.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Nothing comes to mind. My friend even tosses her crab shells out to her brood. The obvious of course---nothing moldy or fermented or treated recently/heavily w any pesticide. Have you considered joining a chicken forum? I like Very nice, helpful folks.

  • 5 years ago

    iceberg lettuce tends to give them loose motions..

  • 1 decade ago gives them the "trots" ! True.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


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