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Would you have forged text messages to Rachel Uchitel if you were Tiger's wife?

Evidently, in order to catch him, she took his phone and texted Rachel to see if she woudl respond. "In the days before Tiger's alleged affair with Rachel Uchitel became tabloid fodder, sources say Tiger urged Uchitel to talk to his wife. According to two sources who spoke to, Elin and Uchitel spoke on the phone for half an hour, in an effort to convince Elin that Tiger's relationship with Uchitel was strictly platonic. After Woods fell asleep, the sources say Elin looked though his cell phone. She found text messages to Uchitel, including one that read, "You are the only one I've loved."

The sources say Elin texted Uchitel, pretending to be Tiger. She wrote a message that read, "I miss you. When are we seeing each other again?"

Allegedly, Uchitel responded to the text, which prompted Elin to scream at her husband and hit his chest with her fists."

Would you have done the same in order to catch your husband?

10 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favourite answer

    Oh, yes, you bet I would. Elin and I are smart like that. ;)

    I wouldn't be pounding Tiger's chest though. I'd be contacting my lawyer and getting all my ducks in a row and make Tiger pay, if I were his wife. I wouldn't be buying any crap about "sex addiction" either and I'd leave him flat....but I'm me and Elin is Elin.

    Marriage is a contract, and like any contract when it is breached, there are consequences that follow. While I don't think Tiger should pay professionally, I do think he needs to pay the price to his wife and the mother of his children for what he's done to her and his little ones.

    I find it odd that anyone buys into the claims that celebs and politicians have "sex addictions" who need help and understanding. Looks like the ordinary man that cheats is a no good cheat and isn't special enough to "suffer" from sex addiction...*scratching head* Now, how does that work?

    Source(s): Been there done that.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Sure would have. She knew he was up to no good and did what she had to to catch the lying b*stard. I hope she takes every last dime she can get out of his disgusting low brow a**.

    And I wouldn't have stopped at hitting him in the chest either. Tiger would literally be talking out of his a** cuz I'd have shoved that cell up his back side sideways with razor-wire wrapped around it.

  • 5 years ago

    the visible reply to that is yahoo solutions. you return on right here spilling your verbal diarrhea of drama at dwelling and seem to the entire customers to supply you an reply vs. simply speaking in your spouse approximately it. I believe you must lay off the pc just a little bit and return to wifey. Cook her up a few fowl 'n ribs with a facet of chili.

  • 1 decade ago

    No. I would have just gotten the cell phone company to give me the detailed statement. They could have printed off all of the old texts.

    I'm sure with the kind of money they have, she could have gotten all the proof she needed without having to misrepresent herself.

  • 1 decade ago

    It is her husband and she has every right to find out what is going on behind her back. She did and she will have to decide whether he is worth taking back or not. Sounds to me that he is not capable of a monogamous relationship with anyone. If I were her, I would leave and cut my losses.

  • Seriously, if my wife looked like Elin, you couldn't PAY me to cheat.

  • jude
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    yes I would do the same if I thought my husband was cheating on me, at least she knows the truth and she won't have to wonder about the truth.

  • 1 decade ago

    Hell to the Yeah! To catch that scumbag in his own sick game!

  • 1 decade ago

    No. I would be too busy talking to my lawyer.

  • 1 decade ago

    yes i would of done the same thing.

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