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May I please have your opinion on this?

This will most likely be long, so I'm sorry. I don't like to b**** about people, but I'd like to know if I'm justified in being annoyed.

I have a friend who I like because she is loyal and a nice person at heart. I am one of the few good friends she has, and she constantly tells me she likes me best.

She is probably one of my inner circle of friends, however I try to keep a bit of a distance because she has a tendency to treat me badly (not necessarily on purpose) and people, even my family, have told me that she will, to put it dramatically, bleed me dry.

She borrows money and is genuinely grateful but doesn't return it. She uses me as her therapist. I don't mind this, but sometimes she expects too much. Her family is not as well off as mine, and she constantly expects lifts to places, invites herself over, borrows money from my parents, etc etc. She flits from job to job, always finding something which makes her quit, and because her family life is quite disruptive and mine is very good, expects to be allowed to use us as she pleases.

She knows that I have been suffering from mental health problems for a couple of years, but doesn't know the details (she's not very good at keeping secrets, and I'm a private person, generally). I've let her know before that sometimes I can't be around people because of my moods, and it's hard for me not to treat them badly, which I don't want to do, but she constantly tries to invade my space. It's gotten to the point where I've started to dislike her. She's very clingy, and if you try to point out that she's overstepped the mark or something somewhere (tactfully of course) becomes depressed and very insecure and throws the blame back on to you.

I'm at my wit's end. Am I justified in being annoyed, or am I being petty? I know that this isn't the biggest problem in the world, I'd just like some thoughts.

Thankyou for reading.

8 Answers

  • Favourite answer

    There seems to be compounding issues based on self reflection it seems. The positives is that its self development. This is a part of a learning curve which comes with age. We learn crucial things about people’s behaviours and characteristics, particularly when we are more aware of values and responsibilities.

    Once we have gained and had an association or friendship over a period of time we often feel the urge to show some loyalty and tolerance for indiscretions. In an ideal environment this is usually mutual and respected. It is quite evident that you know all about her being, circumstances and issues. But there is a major concern that you have confided in individual who may use that for their advantage or to your determent, be it in moderation or exposure. This needs to be addressed.

    However it would be unwise or unassuming for me to suggest the best or correct cause of action as I feel you need to make decisions and adhere to them, which I feel you are reluctant to do. Sometimes there’s not always an easy option and whatever advice we seek does not always support our ideas.

    I would like you to do a few things in your own time without obligations or commitments, just try to reassess how/if you could have done/handled things better or what could possible she have done differently.

    On review to be “annoyed” would seem rather understated. Therefore you should feel justified. You also should be commended for your honesty and sincerity and those that appreciate such qualities are your true friends.

    Finally, you will no doubt experience similar situations and individuals in the near future. So stay confident, assertive and be strong and clinical, you to keep going forward, progressing and enjoying life also.

  • 1 decade ago

    Sad to say but my own mom is like this sometimes even though I know she loves me and most of the time I do or get what she asks of me, but I know when shes tryna play me and now Im immune to her fake tears and everything. And I have PTSD (got it from being assaulted in the military by the military) and most people dont understand that and actually a lot of evil people want to take advantage of you because of that. A lot of times I have to isolate myself too and then again I dont have many friends. Tell your friend you are not seeing the benefit of being her friend which is a generally good person/that hardly ever asks anything from you just makes you feel not alone in the world/someone you can trust.

    Source(s): Sorry if Im not so clear I actually had way more to say.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It sounds like you have a very clear understanding of who you are and who your friend is, and what is going on that is making your friendship with her so uncomfortable. The problem is how do you stop feeling taken advantage of by this person?...and btw, I do think you are justified by feeling annoyed and you are not being really have a problem here...

    It sounds like your friend is a nice person, but she lacks a certain self-awareness when it comes to how she treats you and your family. You may need to set some personal boundaries for yourself in regard to your friendship with her, and you need to be firm with her if she tries to cross those boundaries. In other words, decide what behaviors you will and you will not accept from this friend, or any other friend for that matter. Think it through and write down what you like and what you dislike about the way this person treats you. When she comes around again, stick to your boundaries if she tries to cross them again (which she probably will). Tell her firmly that you have personal boundaries, and that if she continues to treat you in a way that is unfavorable to you, your friendship is at stake. Do not let her put the blame back on you. She is trying to make you feel guilty, and guilt gives her the upper-hand in your relationship. In fact, make this one of your boundaries, that you will not allow her to make you feel guilty. If after you've explained your boundaries to her and she begins the "guilty speech," tell her that guilt will not work with you. Be firm and clear with her what the terms of your friendship are.

    I hope that helps. I know that confrontation in a friendship can be truly difficult. But if you can draw that line in the sand, not only will you feel better because of "your line," but she will finally understand the boundaries of your friendship. If she is truly a friend, she will respect your boundaries and your friendship will grow because of your honesty and a new respect for yourself.

  • 1 decade ago

    Your annoyance is justified...even without the mental health issues. With those issues (I have them too) you need even more so to distance yourself from her. As long as you're always there for her, then she will continue this type of behavior. You especially need to be good to yourself & protect your mental health. For your own good you need to do this. There are other people who will be there for her if you back off some.

    I have a friend like that. She is a genuinely nice person, but her needs have become more than I can handle. She is one of my best friends, but I have begun to be not as available & I recruit other people...two of them be there for her. They lighten the load so to speak & I am not as drained. We are still friends, but not together as often as we were. It is working out better for everyone concerned. You might want to try something like that.

    Be sure to take care of yourself. Good luck.

    Source(s): Been there myself....
  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    It might be time to take a break from each other.

    Sometimes, even blood relations need a break.

    The money thing. . . Pay it back or don't even ask for more.

    Business is business.

    you DO have to set boundaries and enforce them.

    and YES, your annoyance is justified.

  • 1 decade ago

    I have known people like this. They will suck the life out of you...physically, mentally, spiritually, emotionally and financially, but while they are doing so, they are so convincing that they're your best friend and vice versa. My best advice is to get away as fast as you can. One thing you didn't mention, but I am sure is true....she is a drama queen? Everything is a MAJOR crisis?

    Source(s): personal experience
  • 5 years ago

    God does now not hate homosexuals. He hates homosexuality. It hurts Him that a few of His construction can reside such immoral and disgusting existence. But, He loves them. And BTW, this isn't made up! They relatively have a institution referred to as godhatesfags. Look it up. God Loves You! Even if you do not desire to recognize Him. He will constantly love you.

  • VENOM!
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    ignore and avoid her.


    trust me it works.

    PS: Money ruins friendships. Don't ever lend large sums of money to a friend.

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