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Do you use a bookmark?

I was just wondering if people use bookmarks...

I have a few bookmarks but I usually use the receipts that come with the books after I buy them.

I hate people who just fold down the corner of the page. poor book.


Post-its seem like a good idea but I am too un-coordinated to use them. They fall out of books and I lose my place. I'm just that talented... or not..

I do like the idea of ribbon.

18 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favourite answer

    Haha, yeah, I use a bookmark! Usually, I create a bookmark, well more than once, with a whole bunch of pictures of my friends, and family. So, if I ever get bored of using a same one, I can always use another design I created. It's better than a normal bookmark. It defines your personality. :)

    PS, same here! I absolutely hate it when people just fold down the corner of a page :(

  • 1 decade ago

    I have 10 or 12 bookmarks somewhere. Some, are really cool that can help you see the print better, but I don't use them. I have only used to actually books marks but once I was finished with the book I stuck it in the back of the back and there it stayed.

    Most of the time I use a piece of paper and once I'm done I stick it in the back of the book. I never once the same piece of paper twice, it like the book and paper are soul-mates or something. Once there met never shall they part.

    If it's a series I'll use the back piece of paper throw the whole series and put the paper in the back of the last book.

    I have the same piece of papar for the Happy Potter series and got the first Harry Potter book in "99 when I was nine.

    I also have no idea why I do this? but I do.

    Source(s): I can't stand when people fold back the pages either, my sister does that!!! I hate when she borrow my book just for that reason.
  • 1 decade ago

    I have about 1500 books. People give me bookmarks all the time. I have about 60 or 70, I suppose. I mean to use them, but they are often cumbersome and hard to keep track of. I usually end up using the receipt or one of those subscription cards from a magazine.

    I sometimes catch the pages I've already read under the flap of the book jacket.

    I never fold the corner of a page. That's awful!

    Source(s): Writer/Editor
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I have a stack of bookmarks sitting on my desk that I never use.

    I like the idea of using one, but I read all the time, everywhere, and I don't always have one handy. Lately I have been ripping the mailing forms out of old comics lying around to use for a bookmark. Or I use a post-it, because I always have a few lying around my house. Or sometimes I memorise the page number, I can do that, I just read the page number, and I remember it, it's such a pity I can't do the same for all my lessons...

    I used to fold the corner of the page (I confess, I am guilty) but it damages the book and all, so yeah, I use whatever is lying around : post-its, pencils, mailing forms, bit's of paper, tissues,...

  • 1 decade ago

    Sometimes, but if I do I usually lose them. As it happens, right now I have a Phantom of the Opera ticket I'm using, and three bookmarks I got for reading the Young Reader Medal Winners or whatever they're called for after I lose that.

    When I don't have a bookmark at hand, I know it's bad for the book, but usually I just put it upside down. I really need to stop doing that.


  • Yes, all the time. I sometimes use a bookworm bookmark that is made out of yarn and has eyes, or a Dumbledore bookmark where you movie it around the picture changes. And yersterday I bought a new one with the Harry Potter trio at Barnes & Noble, it shines in the sun. Though sometimes I use magazine subscription cards.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Always use a bookmark - I respect books too much to fold down the corners.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Well, I use virtually any little piece of paper. I find most bookmarks too big. I use tissues if there's nothing more exciting around, but mainly receipts, pens, paper, ribbon, anything! I have even been known to use $5 or $10 notes if I'm feeling classy, but my favourite is clothing tags of new clothes.

    Source(s): Avid Book Reader my whole life
  • 1 decade ago

    I usually use a receipt or some other random piece of paper. I like Post-Its too because I can mark exactly where on the page I was and it doesn't fall out if I pick it up weirdly. Never dog-ear though. I hate that.

  • 1 decade ago

    it depends really, i have 3 bookmarks. i cant help but buy a cute one when i see it. it depends on the size of the book and where im reading it at.

    if its Harry Potter 7 then yes im going to use a book mark. if its Looking For Alaska..nope.

    if im hold up in my room for 7 hours, i'll use a book mark. but if i'm out doing stuff with someone and are constantly putting it down or can only read in the car then naw, i'll just dog ear it.

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