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Help please. I have a question about unusual periods?

I have had continuous bleeding for about a month. Before that I couldn't even work out when my period would show up as it was pretty irregular - I think it was every 5 weeks but not too sure.

Included in the bleeding some days is thick blood

Could any of you suggest what it might be. I'm 23 and weigh 120 kg does this have anything to do with it?


I will see a doctor when money allows - My doctor doesn't bulk bill and I refuse to go to another one as he has been my family doctor for about 30 years.

Mel could you give me some links or explain the Insulin resistance and PCOS things please.

4 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favourite answer

    It sounds like you're not ovulating (when you're not ovulating, your brain isn't getting the right amount of hormones, so it doesn't know when to bleed and for how long)- the same thing has been hapening to me (im 23 and 100kg). My last period went for 26 days (anything over 7 days is considered abnormal), and my cycles range from 27- 56 days- how frustrating!!!

    I used to be on the pill (to control my period and to use as contraception), by now my hubby and I are trying to fall pregnant so we can't use the pill.

    My doc has put me on Metformin (for insulin resistance and PCOS, which I also have), and hopefully that will stimulate my ovaries (if not, i need to go on clomid). I also had hormone tests done, and have been told that loosing weight will help conception.

    Go see your doc- hopefully he will get a hormone pannel done, and possibly send you to an endocrinologist (a hormone specialist) to sort it all out. If your doc tells you not to worry, don't listen!!! My doc told me that nothing was wrong, and I turned out to have PCOS and insulin resistance after demanding to see an endocrinologist!! Trust your body- bleeding for a month isn't normal.

    Good luck.

    Source(s): Personal experience
  • 1 decade ago

    bleeding for a month cant be normal. go to a doctor asap

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    My sister gets problems like that. Some girls just get it. If you haven't been checked out by a doctor it might be worth while, however I wouldn't be worried.

  • 1 decade ago

    that shouldn't be happening, (the continuous bleeding). you should see a doctor asap.

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