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b4iquit asked in HealthMental Health · 1 decade ago

Cutters or those who are close enough to them to know?

If you know you should stop cutting, but don't want to... how do you.. or at least how do you reduce it down? I stick to my legs so no one knows... but I am not usually this compulsive. I don't seem to be able to hold the thought that its wrong?

With respect, no answers about me needing therapy help. That is not possible, not really... Not on this... or other things...

Thanks in advance...


I was determined to avoid adding details, but i must. i am an adult with kids of my own, this goes back to before I was a teen. Different things, different times. Stop, start. Oh, btw, for good reason I don't and wont touch alcohol.

12 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favourite answer

    check out the articles found on this link -

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Cutting is just like any other addiction. When you cut yourself the brain releases endorphines and it gives some people an alomost morphine like high. If therapy is not a possibility then see a general practiotioner. They see this kind of thing more often than you think, and can be very caring and commpassionate in helping you to find alternative ways to deal with your problems. Maybe a med could help as well. My bff cuts. She cut BAD! Her legs are a mess. When we lived together I used to take care of some of the cuts so that they wouldnt become infected. Every doctor that she saw, was totally understanding. I never once heard of any of her doctors judging her or treating her badly for it. I know it sounds absolutely scary to go and tell a doctor of this, as you seem to be very much a person who deals with things alone and internally (im the same way), but just keep in mind that it is an option. The only other thing I can think of to help would be to try to keep yourself as busy as possible. Do things to keep your mind off of it. GOOD LUCK!

  • 1 decade ago

    I understand the resistance to viewing cutting yourself as wrong, since it is our bodies and our pain. My personal experience helped me to stop not because of other peoples reactions or societies condemnation, but because I knew that it represented something deeper and painful inside of me that was only getting worse through cutting. The short term relief is comforting but it goes nowhere except to make you feel ashamed and more depressed.

    That being said, don't feel guilty about the compulsions, they are difficult to overcome and replacing them with something doesn't always help. The only way to work towards eliminating it as opposed to pushing it aside is to face the things inside you that are bringing your need to express your pain externally, or numb it that way. I had the help of medication (and therapy) which reduced my compulsions and helped the imbalance of chemicals which cause my bipolar disorder and contribute to the cutting, but I understand that's not the road for everyone. You are going to have to face your pain, and express your emotions instead of hiding them under your pant leg. Scary, I know, but what's the point of keeping it inside if it makes you miserable. If not a therapist, at least finding someone you can verbalize to can really help you get your thoughts out. If not a friend, sometimes people feel more comfortable with a stranger, a help hotline perhaps.

    I can't know what will best work for you, but I can tell you that there are some things which just have to be dealt with if you're going to feel a change. You have to look at yourself in the mirror and ask yourself, not if you're going to stop cutting, but if you want to feel better. And you can, change is always possible. What you're willing to do from there to make that change is up to you.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    every time you start to feel like cutting:

    - get an icecube out of the freezer and hold it in your hand til its melted

    - eat part of a chilli

    - have a shower

    - go for a drive

    - put a rubber band on your wrist and flick it

    - do x number of push ups/sit ups til it hurts

    - give yourself positive self talk

    - put an upbeat - relaxation/music CD on

    Distract, self sooth or use mindfulness strategies. these are the three key criteria to reduce/cease self-harm. Just so you know, each and every one of these solutions is taken from Dialectical Behaviour Therapy, a therapy tailored to this and similar problems. even if you cant afford it or talk to a therapist about it, reead up about it on the net.

    good luck!

    Source(s): BOcty + 2yrs mental health clinical experience
  • 1 decade ago

    What u dont think that cutting yourself is a mental condition??? im sry but man u need help! This problem is not something u can get rid of by playin tennis or picking up a hobbie, this is a cry for help,, this is a mental problem,, its not like your NUTS or Crazy!! I think u need to talk to someone, u dont have to take meds to talk to a therapist but for the love of god help yourself you dont seem like a stupid man but that comment was very,,, i wish u luck and pray that your smart enough to know u have the problem so u can get help

    take care

    bonnie j

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I used to do that too. But it wasnt on my legs i did it on my wrists. And eventually a school counsillor found out and rang my parents who then sent me to proper counsillor and they really helped. But at one stage i was really addicted to doing it and i would do it for the littlest things. It's hard to stop once you have started so its better to realise that. You dont say how old you are ... but im guessing your in ur teens. If you are you have to realise that it might seem all bad now but remember when you are 18 you will be old enough to go partying LEGALLY lol. and you will look forward to getting married having kids etc etc. Life isnt that great now. But just you wait!!

    Good luck


  • My 16 year old daughter was a cutter. She has scars all over her arms. She went from cutting to burning herself on her legs.

    Honestly, you might not want to hear this, but, she turned to the Lord. He set her free of all the hurt she was feeling.

    I am not saying that she never experiences hurt anymore, but, when she does, she comes to me with it. We talk, together. We pray, together.

    God bless you are loved ;0)

  • 1 decade ago

    I joined the gym. Every time I felt like cutting I would run on the cross trainer till I almost collapsed. It worked.

  • wow ur just like me! anyway im prob not the best person to give u advice about this but...i actually did stop for awhile i used to keep a rubber band around my wrist and snapped it when i wanted to cut and its not like ppl wonder y u have a rubber band on your wrist thats all i have for you and self control (this i lack) or try writing i hope this helps

  • 1 decade ago

    You need to find another outlet for your pain and frustrations. I mean you will eventually disfigure yourself. I joined a heavy metal band and started screaming...that helped.

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