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    Is the tajmahal in Mumbai also can u go inside it?

    I know it is a mausoleum a resting place

    7 Answers1 year ago
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    Why is the international media so biased against India?

    Favourite answer:

    Probably because no evidence suggests that any F-16 has been shot down.

    1) The widely circulated image that India claimed to be a F-16 turned out to be a MIG-21.

    2) There is no evidence to suggest that WC Shahzaz ever existed, let alone was shot down. The former Air Marshall had 2 sons, neither was named Shahzaz.

    3) Debris of the supposed AMRAAM missile is a) unverified b) only proves an F-16 was used, not that it was shot down.

    4) The story of a PAF pilot being lynched is highly improbable. It's all based of a FB post, which was partially discredited by wrongly naming the pilot Shahaz.

    5) India refuses to show any evidence of the F-16 going down, while calling those who want evidence "traitors". Name-calling is not credible evidence.

    6) Lockheed Martin's shares did not drop after the alleged downing by a vintage jet.

    On a side note, if Abhinandan was such an amazing pilot that he shot down a F-16, why would he be poor enough to be shot down?

    6 Answers2 years ago
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